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单词 pride 例句大全,用单词pride造句:

Pride adjustment should by no means affect the performance of the contract.
The world can take pride in these achievements. But it cannot be complacent.
During the games, there was admittedly a thirst to feel nationalistic pride.
在世界杯赛里, 人们的国家意识和自豪感特别强烈。
The expectant mothers that Amy had encountered positively glowed with pride.
Take pride in your accomplishments as they are stepping stone to your dreams.
每前进一步, 你都应引以为豪, 因为它们是你实现梦想的阶梯。
Achievement is a time for looking back with pride, for looking ahead with joy.
成就即意味着可以自豪地回首往事, 喜悦地展望未来。
By any standard, the new airport is an achievement in which we all take pride.
以任何标准来衡量, 新机场计划都是一项骄人的成就。
We believe that we can look upon the achievements made so far with some pride.
我们认为, 我们可以稍感自豪地看待迄今取得的种种成就。
The pride of a warrior would not permit him to meet her fond and anxious looks.
The portly client puffed out his chest with an appearance of some little pride.
这位矮胖得委托人挺起胸膛, 显得有点骄傲得样子。
There is also a pride of achievement if their efforts contribute to its fruition.
Pride in the children's achievements is overtaken by the yearning to be with them.
And all the people hearing it shall fear, that no one afterwards swell with pride.
He found it amazing that he should feel a skirl of pride at the sight of her belly.
They take great pride in their family, and will often brag of their accomplishments.
Women are not averse to lust, but are primarily occupied with pride, envy and anger.
This country was giddy with the sense of accomplishment pride, prospect for the future.
整个国家沉浸在这种成就感之中, 憧憬着未来
Nor did any words that Hermes could speak have any effect upon the Titan's unbending pride.
When she learned that her daughter was accepted by Oxford University, pride swelled in her heart.
听到女儿被牛津大学录取, 她心中充满了自豪。
Health and education are indeed the most prominent accomplishments most Cubans say they take pride in.
Appreciating the Language Features of Pride and Prejudice by Relevance Theory from the Angle of Pragmatics
The establishment of the initial Standing Police Capacity is an achievement in which we can all take pride.
Perfect mental balance on the relative level involves equalizing desire, anger, ignorance, jealousy and pride.
Every beautiful thing has a natural pride in its own beauty, and today the world is allowing its pride to seep from every pore.
这是为了让肉汁渗回肉里, 让肉吃起来多汁。
Here comes today with special pride in all the achievements you have made. May your dearest wishes through all the years in store come true, and make you happier than you have ever been before.
愿你宿愿得偿, 快乐幸福更胜以往。

单词 pride 释义

  • 单词释义:自豪;值得骄傲的人/物;尊严;自负;狮群  [更多..]



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