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单词 prick 例句大全,用单词prick造句:

Effects of high voltage prick electrostatic fields on sprouts of corn seeds
Use the tines of a fork to prick the top of dough, then brush with egg wash.
表面, 用叉子将醒发后的面团叉出一排排的孔洞, 刷上全蛋液。
accounting for the lemon essential oil with a toothpick prick freckles center.
For the blood tests, women prick their fingers and send blood samples to labs.
Just be careful not to prick yourself when you toss the bread into the garbage.
The diagnosis is made by skin prick or scratch test using the causative agents.
Comparison of Prick and Infusion Inoculations of Pogostemon Cablin Bacterial Wilt
Or, some wanna be tough guy prick who beat a man half to death with a socket rinch.
I make clotting factors that stop the bleeding when you accidentally prick yourself.
我为你制造凝血因子, 你意外受伤时才能止血。
The Universal Declaration of Yue Fei of the Southern Song emperor now prick of pain.
Im afraid I have to prick your finger and take a drop of blood for blood sugar level.
They have their skinny little acts together.They expound, prognose, probe, and prick.
他们充分调动其瘦人的行为, 去阐述, 预测, 探索和寻觅。
Tis no less, I tell you, for the bawdy hand of the dial is now upon the prick of noon.
He's carrying a certain prick status at the moment due to his still reverberating rant.
Prick potatoes all over with fork, wrap each in aluminum foil, and place on rimmed baking sheet.
用叉子在甘薯上刺洞, 用铝箔包裹, 放置在烤单边缘。
Prick it, and it will duly release a token amount of blood while peers are haemorrhaging copiously.
刺一下, 它会象征性地出一点血, 而其他经济体都在大出血。
Raised teeth in upper endplate and lower cage can easily prick into polymer blocks without fracture.
Prick the bottom of the pastry case all over with a fork. Return to the fridge for anther 30 minutes.
用叉子插几个小孔在塔皮上, 然后放入冰箱在冷藏30分钟。
Prick the dough randomly with a toothpick or a fork, then bake in the preheated oven for 1215 minutes.
用牙签或是叉子在上面叉出小孔, 然后入烤箱烘焙1215分钟。
To explore the biological effects of high voltage prick electrostatic fields on sprout of soybean seeds.
Effects of high voltage prick positive electrostatic fields on activity of budding soybean seeds and amylase
When change of temperature cold heat is big, still can have prick the circumstance with painful or urticant Sao.
温度冷热变化大时, 还会有刺痛或瘙痒的情况。
the sense of pride is a balloon of inflation, a needle will send out strong wind suddenly and violently on the prick.
自尊心是个膨胀的气球, 戳上一针就会发出大风暴来。
Provocation tests may be used in cases in which there is no available skin prick test or when the result is ambivalent.
the threat is environment worsen increasingly, green bulwark strict much more and competition between provinces prick up.

单词 prick 释义

  • 单词释义:刺,扎,戳;刺伤,刺痛  [更多..]



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