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单词 previously 例句大全,用单词previously造句:

As stated previously, time is of utmost importance when responding to an aircraft accident.
Accordingly, a number of special conditions previously imposed on PCCW have now been removed.
The previously unidentified objects have now been definitely ascertained as being satellites.
He discovers that Ada has previously concealed herself in the crypt, choosing to die with him.
他发现阿伊达原来早已潜入墓中, 选择与他同死。
Party A will sell to any third party only on orders previously quoted and approved by Party B.
In both studies, the adverse events observed were similar to what has been previously reported.
这两个研究中, 观察到得副作用和先前得报道是相似得。
Previously, Sheila caught a giant albino catfish of 87kg which was the largest one ever hooked.
希拉此前还钓过有史以来体重最大的白鲶鱼, 重约87公斤。
Unable seek backward to overwrite data that previously existed in a file opened in append mode.
Removes a previously added type description provider that is associated with the specified type.
Removes a previously added type description provider that is associated with the specified object.
The head nurse or the asker prepaired questions previously and controlled training time reasonablely.
Other scholars have previously argued that reasoning and irrationality are both products of evolution.
Washington previously agreed to discuss the financial issue at separate talks alongside the nuclear meeting.
The third mutation has equipped the strain to all but replace the one that previously existed in South Asia.
Before I allowed you to scold severals also just, once and for all this affair my indefensible was previously.
以前我任你数落几句也就罢了, 毕竟这件事情我理亏在先。
The linguistic expression which appeared previously in the text is called antecedent while the latter anaphor.
Current accounts should always be maintained in credit unless overdraft arrangements have been previously made.
Such a quest, however, should not be at the expense of previously agreed instruments and disarmament obligations.
Scientists had previously believed that the human brain was incapable of adding grey matter over short periods of time.
The production of formal specification of interfaces between components in advance of coding had not previously been done.
Each unit, subsidiary is belonged to to have external previously purchase authority and outside appoint treatment counterpoises.
以前所属各单位, 子公司对外都有采购权和外委加工权。
No material in this thesis has previously been submitted and approved for the award of a degree by this or any other university.
The figures had been circulating previously on Chinas rumour mill, but the report by CCTV appeared to be an official confirmation.
They show the writer did not die from the adverse effects of alcoholism. Nor did he suffer from Parkinson's disease, as previously reported.
Previously sealed autopsy results prove that neither alcoholism nor Parkinson's disease killed Nobel and Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Eugene O'Neill.

单词 previously 释义

  • 单词释义:事先;以前;仓促;“previous”的派生  [更多..]



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