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单词 probably 例句大全,用单词probably造句:

Heres a person who can probably accomplish the work, but has no motivation to get with it.
The original soup is too thick; it would probably taste better if we added some water to it.
Its probably because they got their foot on the accelerator a fraction a a second before you.
Well, I think, probably, the oldest version of this is probably the sexual division of labor.
我认为,这最古老的人类版本 可能是性别分工。
Probably because when we admit we can do something about it, we've got to do something about it.
An ample water supply is probably the greatest advantage of soil submergence for irrigated rice.
You have probably become accustomed to their weakness in this respect, whether you like it or not.
无论你是否喜欢, 你可能早就对他们的这些缺点习以为常。
Though you probably wouldn't realise it, more accidental deaths occur in the home than on the road.
Those reforms, the second component of his achievement, have probably been a disappointment to him.
被视为小泉第二大成就的这些改革, 可能令他有些失望。
And you can probably email their admission email the admissions office with any question questions.
如果有什么问题, 你也可以给招生办公室发电子邮件。
The assumptive adherence of the tumour to the choroids plexus was probably disrupted by the haematoma.
Abnormality happens to the loading and unloading facilities and probably effects LNG unloading at stake.
装卸机具有不正常现象, 认为有影响卸料安全之虞时。
I think it would probably be wise to start you on a diet at present with acupuncture combination therapy.
If an actual environmental injury had been present, however, the result would probably have been different.
Some say, if this method is adopted, there probably wont be much left to rectify in the second half of the year.
有人说, 如果用这个办法, 到下半年, 恐怕就没有什么好整了。
In fact, that such a move was sure to generate controversy probably contributed to Abbotts decision to pursue it.
My own views, admittedly somewhat speculative, are that they probably do not consider their actions as reprehensible.
Online advice from TIME technology columnist Josh Quittner You 've probably noticed that wireless is the buzz word of the hour.
Want to be not alternatively hire a carriage, walk to return to like this, my doesn't material, you probably absence to tinge cold.
要不还是雇辆马车, 这样走回去, 我无所谓, 你或许要染了风寒。
It occurred to me that young people must be capable of functioning as competent adults, or the human race quite probably would not exist.
最起码, 奥巴马错过了一个本可以展示其领导力的机会。
An American doctor who wants to perform the world's first head transplant has conceded the host body would probably reject the new addition.
I think he is probably making too much money, getting too much education adulation to put himself through the immegranter meet grinder again.
我认为他可能正在努力筹集资金, 说服大众支持他再次参选。
It was probably most intense in Britain, whose public schools at midcentury had adopted a particularly severe system of sorting by test at age 11.
Adults are busy putting scrolls of cloth in preparation for a sacrifice, but the children are still playing. They probably don't know what has happened.
In which case, Redgrave will have set a mark no other endurance athlete has achieved... and will probably really mean it if he asks to be shot if he's seen near a boat again.

单词 probably 释义



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