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单词 prudence 例句大全,用单词prudence造句:

Their attitude expressed a final reserve and their faces showed the glaze of prudence.
她们的姿态十分拘谨, 脸上流露出小心翼翼的神色。
But there was still something lurking behind, of which prudence forbad the disclosure.
This places the obligation on both sides to act with prudence, commitment and restraint.
Could the Epicurean will hostile to pessimism be merely the prudence of a suffering man?
In the context of these words we are asked to exercise discrimination and prudence judgement.
在这样的上下文里, 神要求我们练习辨别和审慎的能力。
The regulations comply with the WTO rule, the principle of prudence international common practice, he said.
For were now in a situation where it would be very dangerous to give in to conventional notions of prudence.
因为在这样的情况下, 固守成规, 斤斤计较是很危险的。
A prince void of prudence shall oppress many by calumny but he that hateth covetousness, shall prolong his days.
憎恨贪婪的, 将延年益寿。
To whom hast thou given counsel perhaps to him that hath no wisdom, and thou hast shewn thy very great prudence.
The child was dressed as a National Guardsman, owing to the insurrection, and the father had remained clad as a bourgeois out of prudence.
由于处于动乱时期, 孩子穿一身国民自卫军的服装

单词 prudence 释义

  • 单词释义:谨慎;节俭;精明  [更多..]



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