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单词 prowess 例句大全,用单词prowess造句:

It was engineering prowess that lifted this nation from postwar defeat to economic superpower.
Word spread about its engineering capabilities, adding to the prowess of the American military.
Many Vietnamese men believe that drinking snakeblood enhances both good fortune and sexual prowess.
许多越南男子相信饮用蛇血既能带来好运, 又能壮阳。
But that has less to do with its filmmaking prowess than with the global frenzy for hightech stocks.
At the time this article goes to press, there have already been excellent displays of athletic prowess.
John OShea has saluted the scoring prowess of teammate Louis Saha following his recent flurry of goals.
Fellow midfielder Steven Gerrard will pose an additional threat thanks to his longrange shooting prowess.
中场同伴杰拉德将给与额外的威胁, 因为他的远射。
He is full of talent but has no chance to display it; what a hero is he who has no place to display his prowess.
Now the inventor of gunpowder and the rocket in earlier times has staked a claim to more modern technological prowess.
By a hero with no place to display his prowess, we mean that your collection of great truths is not appreciated by the masses.
英雄无用武之地, 就是说, 你的一套大道理, 群众不赏识。
The countrys combination of entrepreneurial flair and technological prowess has allowed it to lead the technological revolution.
I would say they have been lacking in knowledge and understanding they have been like a hero with no place to display his prowess.
我说以前是不熟, 不懂, 英雄无用武之地。
Selected for their loyalty and martial prowess these elite warriors fear little and shrug off odds that would crush many other units.

单词 prowess 释义



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