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单词 prostrate 例句大全,用单词prostrate造句:

Stem prostrate or procumbent, with few fibrous roots at nodes, many branched.
Stems erect, rarely ascending to prostrate, branched, not hollow or sulcate.
Stems prostrate or decumbent, erect in emergent plants, rooting at proximal nodes.
茎匍匐或外倾, 在发出的工厂, 在下部的节的根里的直立。
Entering the inner chamber, the Master prostrate himself reverently before the image.
他们进入了里面的神祠, 师父虔诚地臣服在神像面前。
A short, often prostrate, shoot originating near the ground at the base of another shoot
Herbs perennial. Stems prostrate, freely branching, sparsely pubescent, rooting at nodes.
Stem suberect or prostrate, usually simple, elongate or short, sometimes indistinct.
Stems prostrate, rooting at nodes, upper part and branches ascending, fulvous pilose.
It had its origin in the necessities of disordered finance, prostrate commerce, and ruined credit.
Full Papal Bow Fully prostrate, while kissing the runway. Used by most of us after a Ryanair flight.
英国式鞠躬干净利落地点一下头, 同时保持淡定。
At the city gate and by your fireside I have seen you prostrate yourself and worship your own freedom.
Unlike the traditional bicycle, the bike is designed to require the rider to use it in a prostrate pose.
Culms very slender, prostrate, branching and rooting at nodes, flowering branches up to 10 cm tall.
The captain bowed low, for the guard and the attendants did not prostrate themselves, but remained standing.
卫队长深深鞠了一躬, 卫兵和随从没有匍伏在地, 都肃立一旁。
The methods of propagation include sexual and asexual such as root sprout, apical and prostrate stem rooting.
On the floor lay prostrate some dozen or so of the enemy, on whom the Mole was busily engaged in fitting handcuffs.
On the floor lay prostrate some dozen or so of the enemy , on whom the Mole was busily engaged in fitting handcuffs.
地板上匍匐着好几十个敌人, 鼹鼠在忙着给他们戴手铐。

单词 prostrate 释义

  • 单词释义:卧倒的;被某事物所制服的;瓦解的;无能为力的  [更多..]



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