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单词 proceeding 例句大全,用单词proceeding造句:

Sorry, we have no foam carpet aids in the airport, request proceeding to your alternate aerodrome.
很遗憾, 我们机场没有泡沫地毯设备, 请飞往备降机场。
Discussion on Realizability of Constitutional Right Settled up with Lawsuit Proceeding for Citizen
Analyze these problemses, put forward in composition necessity of proceeding the phrasing teaching.
The second chapter consists of acomplicated legal proceeding known as a state habeas corpus appeal.
第二章由复杂的法律程序组成,称为 州人身保护诉讼令。
The failure of the respondent to submit a defense shall not affect the proceeding of the procedures.
被请求人逾期不提交答辩书的, 不影响处理程序的进行。
The article introduced the whole process and some proceeding about special milling compounding tool.
This constituted the highest total fine imposed in a single proceeding in the history of the Office.
A simple discussion on the behavior tutorship mode of knowing the inside story then thought proceeding
The proposal of Canada for proceeding with the enlargement deserved careful consideration and support.
Proceeding from the Xinjiangs actual condition , strengthen the leading cadres work style construction.
The prosecuting attorney represents the government in instituting and proceeding with criminal actions.
Cranial and cephalic are interchangeable adjectives which mean proceeding toward the brain and cranium.
Foreign legal person should also enjoy the treatment of a national in the proceeding of civil procedure
Under the circumstance of the proceeding paragraph, the peoples court shall declare the debtor bankrupt.
The third chapter is an even more complicated legal proceeding known as a federal habeas corpus proceeding.
第三章的法律程序更为复杂,称为 联邦人身保护令程序。
Thoughts on Construction of the Examination Proceeding for Placing a Case on File in Civil Retrial Procedure
The failure of the respondent to submit a defence shall not affect the proceeding of the arbitration procedures.
被申请人未提交答辩书的, 不影响仲裁程序的进行。
The Flemings replied to advise that they would not be proceeding given that they had not sold their own property.
复莱明回复, 称不能交割因为自己的房子还没有卖出。
The wedding carriages were in the file proceeding towards the Bastille, and skirting the right side of the Boulevard.
Objective To enhance the quality of life of cirrhosis of liver patients and to postpone the proceeding of the disease.
提高肝硬化病人的生活质量, 延缓病情的进程。
The Appellate Body shall address each of the issues raised in accordance with paragraph 4 during the appellate proceeding.
Its overelaborate to calculate the elastic ground framework using the method of proceeding in an orderly way and step by step.
But as it is proceeding farther and farther the line of demarcation between the animate and inanimate is growing more and more dim.
Selection Proceeding and Genetic Background of New Melon 1, a Water Melon for Seed with High Yield, High Quality Seed, and Resistance to Diseases
To offer services for trademark transactions and trademark evaluation.To handle all proceeding concerming oppositions against trademark geistration, adjustment in trademark disputes, petitions for the cancellation of improperly registered trademark

单词 proceeding 释义

  • 单词释义:进行,进程;行动;诉讼;会议记录  [更多..]



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