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单词 idle 例句大全,用单词idle造句:

Never be satisfied current idle life and enjoy the happiness coming from adventures.
Then use the same screw to adjust for a smooth transition from idle to full throttle.
Los Angeles Galaxy coach to resign from his duties, Gullit has been jobless and idle.
Used as a form of polite address for a man. It is idle for a girl to wish to be a boy.
The influence of life aesthetics in sketches of idle pleasure on the story of the stone
Absence of the tone tells the operator that there is at least one idle trunk in a group.
An effective solution is that allowing users make use of the idle bandwidth temporarily.
Allow the engine to run at idle speed for a few minutes without pressing the accelerator.
Analysis of the Possibility of RMB Appreciation from the Trend of International Idle Funds
You can't afford to idle away your time on dreams and fantasies that can never be realized.
你没时间在梦上闲扯, 并且想像的事物永远不会成现实的。
Although the Football Association not to prosecute, but these days Wuhan club did not idle.
Developing the idle land in winter in Yangtze River basin for expanding the acreage of rape.
This will keep your RPM much more consistent and accurate around idle where it really counts.
Let the Idle Plant Being Fully Utilized, Tap Potentials for Resources, Prevent Loss of assets
Thinking on the Issue of Taping the Idle Assets in the Iron and Steel Industry of Our Country
rekindle their lovers. Amidst parlor games and idle talk , Sofia and Misha rekindle their love.
在随后的娱乐和闲聊中, 索菲娅和马沙旧情复燃。
Afterward raises abundantly also launches an attack to a Benni goal, the idle work returns as before.
Little beat, kick start, no battery. Idle for a long time not riding at home, when scrap metal to sell.
有点旧, 一脚启动, 没电瓶。在家闲置好久没骑了, 当废铁卖。
will accelerate readjustment in idle position and that diesel driven by the institutions with detachment.
Our position is that the international community cannot afford to stand idle in the face of this tragedy.
I pulled the throttles to idle just south of Sicily, but we still overran the refueling tanker awaiting us over Gibraltar.
A Preliminary Study on the Comprehensive Technique of Artificial Grassland Establishment on Winter Idle Land and Animal Feeding
An Experimental Study of Reducing Idle Condition Emissions for a Gasoline Engine By Using an Auxiliary Air Device and a Ultrasonic Atomizer
The funds for the evening schools come from the public revenue from superstition, from ancestral temple funds, and from other idle public funds or property.
Enjoying an idle life is certainly cheaper than enjoying a luxury one. To enjoy an idle life, one only needs an artist's disposition, loitering away a leisured afternoon in a completely carefree mood.

单词 idle 释义

  • 单词释义:无意义的;空闲的;懒惰的;无根据的  [更多..]



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