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单词 illuminate 例句大全,用单词illuminate造句:

Fix for circumventing the cost of the Bomb Bouncers charge ability and the Illuminate Electroshock ability.
Flashing neon signs illuminate the magnificent buildings and spangle the night skyline of this lively city.
Innovation is lineal economics fails to envisage the economy with illuminate all the time ascensive mechanism.
Because he cannot afford to pay his electricity bills, there was no light to illuminate his storefront display of jewels.
因为他支付不起电费, 无法点亮店里珠宝橱柜的照明灯。
Those who display themselves do not illuminate. Those who justify themselves are not distinguished. Those who make claims are not given credit. Those who seek glory are not leaders.

单词 illuminate 释义

  • 单词释义:照亮,照明;阐明,说明;装饰;使灿烂  [更多..]



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