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单词 hyperaemia 例句大全,用单词hyperaemia造句:

Because pelvic cavity organizes oedema, hyperaemia, can pelvic cavity is added bilge, the symptom such as ache of lumbar Di ministry.
由于盆腔组织水肿, 充血, 可有盆腔附胀, 腰骶部疼痛等症状。
If he was asleep when hyperaemia, the likelihood produces nocturnal emission.
Biers hyperaemia.
Turn over wrapping, see the face inside wrapping and glans hyperaemia erosion, have ooze liquid, bleed even.
翻开包皮, 可见包皮内面及龟头充血糜烂, 有渗液, 甚至于出血。
Pathological examination revealed hyperaemia among myocardial fibers cardiac muscle fibers, part apomorphosis and edema of lung.
Spot of oral cavity mucous membrane is not shown mostly, can see oral cavity mucous membrane only coarse, hyperaemia.
At the same time genital official expression is phallic bloodvessel to hyperaemia and muscle contract and erect.
The effect that what cures does ulcer of hyperaemia of eyeball of fluorescent element crosseye have
Next glossa body is intumescent, show vermeil , at the same time strut of bacterium shape tit, hyperaemia.
然后舌体肿大, 呈鲜红色, 同时菌状乳头肿胀, 充血。

单词 hyperaemia 释义



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