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单词 matrimony 例句大全,用单词matrimony造句:

On the Contradiction Between Matrimony System and Social Customs in Tang Dynasty.
Andy Lau and Yang Lijuan are set to walk into the hall of holy matrimony on July 1.
matrimony according to the ordinance of God, and the custom of the Christian Church.
按照上帝所设立的神圣婚姻, 和基督教会。
Several Legal Consideration about Matrimony and Procreation Right of College Students
I am ill cant she appreciate this I cant contemplate matrimony and mortality all at once.
At uncles house because the Chens dragon wants matrimony, having you would be happier at me.
在舅舅家因为陈龙要结婚, 有你在我会更高兴。
Gentleman generation not at, hear that daughters matrimony of her a customer a wedding feasted.
Is it possible to level out the difference between Oriental and European ideas as regards matrimony ?
The concept of matrimony of Xianbei's women was very open during the period of the Northern Dynasties.
His refusals to consider matrimony are explained by the simple fact that he is not in love with Judith.
他之所以几次拒婚, 只能解释为他不爱朱迪思。
England once turned to Protestantism because Henry VIII found the Catholic churchs rules on matrimony irksome.

单词 matrimony 释义



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