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单词 matron 例句大全,用单词matron造句:

I invited my little cousin to be my matron of honour at my wedding ceremony.
Joan went there and said to the matron, I've come to visit Captain Humphreys.
Much fewer that matron actually has no son, that merely made seven big crimes!
If the matron is absent, ask the permission from the assistant if you want to go out.
Controled bloom pretty matron to pull the black wild tiger of a commonness to come over.
This is his kid Yue, dont defiance to make people believe is a full 28yearold adult matron yet.
这就是他的童悦, 不敢让人相信是已满二十八岁的熟女。
a matron outcast and forsaken, she mourns like Hecuba Modo maxima rerum, tot generis natisque potens nunc trahor exul, inops.
这些无休无止的争吵的战场, 就叫做形而上学。

单词 matron 释义

  • 单词释义:(受人尊敬的)已婚老妇人;夫人;女看守;女警卫  [更多..]



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