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单词 masculine 例句大全,用单词masculine造句:

The result is masculine or feminine, depending on which hormone was acting when.
Do an experiment to must remember doing masculine gender and negative to contrast so.
She is careless in speech and demeanor and her behavior is too masculine and too rude.
Third incidence of poverty to the old age female is old age masculine two times nearly.
In the interest of science, I will cipher it out on the hypothesis that it is masculine.
出于本人对科学的爱好, 我假定它应该是阳性的。
If the indicator paper coloration expressed that the urine keeps out the masculine gender.
Only revealed the masculine reproductive organ Baidu manager not to delete my diary. Good.
Chapter4, it expounds positive and negative significances of remolding masculine main body.
Such dissonance is related to conflict between the masculine and feminine or the body and soul.
The 2 nd shows masculine gender,better,that is generation antibody,can resist second liver virus.
To causeto assume masculine characteristics, as through hormonal imbalance or male hormone therapy.
Classification is done according to the depth of the color and the proportion of the masculine cell.
His handsome face, in the photo, adds a little female delicacy but paradoxically with a masculine figure.
ConclusionSleep Deprivation Provocation Test can obviously elevate masculine rate on EEG of epil children.
While outlining this process, the authors disclose his above poems characteristic of the masculine discourse.
Rasmussen who grows perceptibly by the masculine fighting method, will not be the match which good deals with.
以男性打法见长的拉斯姆森, 将不是一个好应付的对手。
The ugly and strange images of female groups under the feudal patriarchal and masculine political relationship.
Objective Observes the microscope in urine slime analyzer examination red blood cell masculine gender application.
The notion that the twins are fraternal symbolizes the union between the feminine and masculine aspects of yourself.
Sorry, I have no idea of this expression. I prefer tomboy to refer to a girl who is boyish or masculine in behavior.
The males of the Siberian Husky breed are masculine but never coarse the bitches are feminine but without weakness of structure.
雄性肌肉发达, 但是轮廓不粗糙雌性充满女性美, 但是不孱弱。
The lupous nephritis, the early time by evil poisonous solid hot primarily, later period the Yang spirit is on the decline or the masculine and feminine elements two empty.
狼疮性肾炎, 早期以邪毒实热为主, 后期阳气衰微或阴阳两虚。

单词 masculine 释义

  • 单词释义:男子气概的;阳性的,雄性的;男性化的,像男人的  [更多..]



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