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单词 marshal 例句大全,用单词marshal造句:

Yuan Mongol Empire three years, who finished with Wang Marshal guarding Xigu fungus.
Field Marshal Manstein again gathered his panzer fire brigade to stabilize the front.
Usually, after the marshal and general are colonel, major captain and lieutenant, etc.
In some cases the interface used to marshal the class is known as the class interface.
在某些情况下, 用于封送类的接口称为类接口。
In place of the former Reich Marshal Goering the Fuehrer appoints you as his successor.
Fortitude is the marshal of thought, the armor of the will, and the fort of reason.
There was a rumor that the rightwing marshal had been discharged by Federal Tax Bureau.
曾有谣言说, 那位右派的执行官已被联邦税务局解雇。
If you try to marshal or serialize a transaction, a clone is created for you automatically.
如果尝试封送或序列化事务, 则会自动为您创建克隆。
Learn what distance to use a fire extinguisher from a fire marshal in this free safety video.
Strangely, the Chronicles reported that the marshal himself disappeared a year later, in 1898.
He didn't dare grow that kind of mustache for fear the marshal would consider him presumptuous.
Presumably, the influx in glial cells would also activate enzymes that would marshal a response.
Dereliction of ROE or military law will result in court marshal proceeded by immediate suspension.
Contrasts of the Human Environments from Which the Eastern Wushu and Western Marshal Arts Developed
Galaxy of general of found a state brights, republican marshal is among them the most dazzling gens.
开国将领群星璀璨, 共和国元帅是其中最耀眼的一族。
To write a good article , you need to marshal all the facts together and then judge and arrange them.
要写一篇好文章, 你需要集中全部事实, 然后进行判断和安排。
Made a peer at the Restoration, I served through the first campaign under the orders of Marshal Bourmont.
我曾在布蒙元帅的手下作战, 在复辟以后被封为贵族。
By the same exposure rate of the risk factors in the marshal were more higher risk than those of the crew.
Meanwhile, the Shipping Board had moved in more fruitful directions to marshal an American merchant marine.
Mutual trust between a marshal and his general originates from combination of nature, skills and performance.
Where the person concerned fails to carry it out within the time limit, the marshal shall execute it forcibly.
If you encounter roadblocks, marshal your resources to get around them rather than letting a project languish.
The time during which troops carry out marshal LAW missions or handle emergency violence is considered wartime.
Marshal of vigor, talent has most inside garden, innovation of originality of dispute involuntary discharge of urine is taken.
园内最具活力, 人才汇集的, 是非遗创意创新带。
In theatrical operas, whenever a marshal gathers and reviews his subordinates, flags or arrows used as a token of authority will be given out.

单词 marshal 释义

  • 单词释义:元帅;典礼官;执法官;消防局长  [更多..]



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