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单词 math 例句大全,用单词math造句:

Neither math or science argues that all came about randomly, without a.
Most states have recently approved common standards in math and reading.
The math serves the conversation, the conversation doesn't serve the math.
He looked at me eagerly, anxiously hoping that I could help him with his math.
他急切的望着我, 希望我能帮他复习数学。
All right. But I'm very poor at math. Would you like to help me with my math ?
Now, I finally understand that math, especially linear algebra are very useful.
And by the way, the arts aren't just important because they improve math scores.
順帶一提,藝術的重要性 不是數學可以考高分
Xiao Ming doesn't like math classes, he is always absent-minded in these courses.
Concurrent registration in a math subject more advanced than 18.01 is recommended.
The last question in the math examination is to find out the area of a hemisphere.
Now imagine your friend is in the passenger's seat asking you about math problems.
Analysis and precaution of brick and tile machine bearing failure based on fuzz math
If you had followed the teacher's advice, you would not have failed in your math exam.
如果你听从老师的建议, 你的数学考试就不会不及格了。
Forecast of Coal and Gas Outburst Based on Gray Connection Analytic Method and Math Theory
In the first few weeks of your math program sessions should be at least one halfhour apart.
在开始的几个星期里, 两次教授的间隔要至少是30分钟。
I really appreciate you coming over to help me with my math. My final exam is next Tuesday.
我真感谢你过来帮我学数学, 我星期二就要期末考试了。
Xiaoming always makes mistakes when doing math problems, no wonder he always gets low marks.
And it's specifically algorithms, which are basically the math that computers use to decide stuff.
特别是算法,它基本上是 计算机用于决策的数学。
And you know what ? They're absolutely right solid, professional programmer without knowing much math.
Helical spring math models in the literature have constant pitch angle, which are not accurate enough.
Three years later he was appointed to the math faculty at Princeton while still working on his doctorate.
Learn to use an abacus, and you might even be able to use the same techniques to do rapidfire math in your head.
学习使用算盘, 你还能使用同样技巧在头脑中实现速算。
Simple math tool to practice add, subtra Simple math tool to practice add, subtract, multiply, and divide.
Relational Math Model of Extruding Stress and Vibrating Intensity Parameter Established by Regress Analyses Methods
The emphasis is on knowing why you are doing math before tackling calculations, says Lia Crawford, Hillsborough County Schools elementary math supervisor.

单词 math 释义



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