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单词 majestic 例句大全,用单词majestic造句:

In artistic style, Tang poetry is majestic, and Song poetry is graceful and restrained.
三是艺术风格不同, 唐诗雄浑, 而宋诗婉丽。
The majestic mountains in the moonlight are separated into two by an illuminated street.
Our company has a good management model, so that my company in the majestic development.
Majestic John concentrates on creation , stops putting in an appearance already Yue Lai Yue.
威严的约翰潜心于创作, 已越来越少露面。
Swansea University is set in rolling parkland overlooking the majestic sweep of Swansea Bay.
The sailfish took off like a rocket, leaping clear of the sea in a series of majestic jumps.
Gentlemen, experience the majestic splendor of a cruise aboard the luxurious Queen Nathan II.
At one time the plains and mountains of Lebanon were densely covered with majestic cedar trees.
In the background is a majestic night sky, featuring thousands of stars and many constellations.
It was majestic in beauty, with its spreading boughs, for its roots went down to abundant waters.
树大条长, 成为荣美, 因为根在众水之旁。
Hill gatehouse of the extension in the spring of2000,70,000 yuan of investment, tall and majestic.
Nestled in a basin ringed by majestic mountain peaks, Andorra displays an almost fairytale quality.
I am able to compose magnificent symphonies, paint majestic drawings, and write excellent articles.
Preserved, majestic considerable, but there is no climbing the process the dangers and difficulties.
Then he took careful aim once more at the Shanxi riverbank, centering on the majestic Liiliang Range.
Basilica momentum of the majestic, broad, deep into the third hall, the plane was vertical rectangle.
From majestic mountains and valleys of green to crystal clear waters so blue, this wish is coming to you.
In feudal times, there were two majestic stone lions standing in front of the gates of all rich families.
Vibrant economy Commercial uses in the upper riverfront including many that dont relate to the majestic river.
A view from space see following diagram allows a fuller appreciation of the majestic nature of tropical cyclones.
Luckily for Venice and posterity, Canaletto was on hand to record the still majestic trappings of a bankrupt state.
There is a profound range of feeling in this piece, which incorporates a majestic spirit within a tightly knit composition.
全曲意境深邃, 大气磅礴, 结构谨严。

单词 majestic 释义

  • 单词释义:宏伟的;壮丽的;庄重的;磅礴  [更多..]



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