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单词 mainstay 例句大全,用单词mainstay造句:

Bens Chili Bowl, a D.C. mainstay since 1958, has hosted locals, tourists, and celebrities.
华盛顿自1958年来的餐饮支柱, 招待过当地人, 游客和众多名流。
The stateowned sector and collectively owned sector are still the mainstay of our economy.
我们国内还是全民所有制, 或者集体所有制。
Tour guides, the mainstay of the reception work, are the core personnel in a travel agency.
摘要导游员是旅行社接待工作的主体, 是旅行社的核心员工。
Change of the Supply Mainstay of the Public Products in Construction of the New Countryside
A few big mainstay does people health psychology have after all Specific what effect is there
As father always travelled on official business, my brother became the mainstay of the family.
Anxiolytics.Anxiolytics have historically been the mainstay of treatment for anxiety disorders.
This principle of collective bargaining has been a mainstay in labor relations in this country.
Chemotherapy remains the mainstay of treatment of both early stage and metastatic breast cancer.
化疗仍是主要治疗的初期阶段, 双方转移性乳腺癌。
eg. Ethical hackers are becoming a mainstay of the effort to make corporate networks more secure.
This sector, which is extremely diversified and heterogeneous, is a mainstay of the tourist industry.
The Growth of Enterprise, the Mainstay of Technology Innovation and the Sustainable Growth of Economy
To that end, the Medical groups of Sung Dynasty as the mainstay of medical practice deserve our attention.
为此, 宋代医者群体作为实践医学的主体值得我们关注。
Insurance investment is an important mainstay for the contemporary insurance company to survive and develop.
Conclusions At present, endoscopic sphenoidotomy is the mainstay of treatment for isolated sphenoid sinusitis.
Finance is the supporting mainstay of the development of rural economy and the key to resolve San Nongproblems.
Symptomatic treatment with dopaminergic and anticholinergic medications remains the mainstay at the present time.
Introduction Surgical treatment has been the mainstay for extremity and trunk desmoid tumors with a negative surgical margin.
The armed forces and the people led by the Communist Party have already become the mainstay in the War of Resistance Against Japan.
Emergency call boxes are a mainstay in shopping center security, allowing shoppers to request help by simply picking up the receiver.
Receipts from cocoa, the economys mainstay, which is still being exported through the two main Ivorian ports, continue to fill his coffers.

单词 mainstay 释义

  • 单词释义:支柱,柱石;骨干,中流砥柱;主要的依靠;主桅支索  [更多..]



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