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单词 mallet 例句大全,用单词mallet造句:

Objective To develop a new method for the early treatment of mallet finger.
Doctor mallet wants to use high energy lasers to stir the very fabric of time.
The womenfolk of a families want is also, hurriedly mallet out ear to listen to.
女眷们想想也是, 赶紧竖起耳朵去听。
The drummer be worried because his mallet be missing one minute before the concert
The Feng dance smiles to lay up the pike of thunder mallet and night absolute being.
Treatment of mallet fingers by lengthening of central slip of the extensor apparatus
The drummer was worried because his mallet was missing one minute before the concert.
This I did by mere mallet and chisel, and by hard labour, till I HAD a very handsome boat.
When thrusting with the mallet, press the head with the index finger, then thrust forward.
刺槌的时候, 食指要压在槌的前面, 然后向前杀出。
The 29 th minute,Cologne middle place Antar meets a corner kick mallet to hit the crossbeam.
Then strike the bowl lightly again and with pressure, slowly rub the mallet firmly around the edge.
Cusp shoe still can cause mallet state toe or embed armour , cause inflammation, red ache, fester to wait.
尖头鞋还会造成槌状趾或嵌甲, 引起炎症, 红肿疼痛, 化脓等。
In addition, a newly improved composing structural design of mallet was deveIoped to replace traditional one.
The other celebration is mysterious entire good, handle happenings aptitude one level mallet, is a noodles stand.
I even have a wooden mallet that was used by a judge over 300 years ago during condemnation proceedings in Salem.
Treatment of chronic mallet finger deformity by palmaris longus tendon graft for reconstruction of the terminal tendon
Gavel a small mallet rapped on the table by a presiding officer in calling for attention or silence or by an auctioneer.
This is the call of the semantron, a wooden beam struck with a mallet, and a sign that monks should assemble for evensong.
A Study on the Prophylaxis and Treatment of Articular Cartilage Degeneration by External Treatment with Medicated Mallet Full of Fengshigutong Medicated Wine

单词 mallet 释义

  • 单词释义:木槌;长柄球棍;大锤  [更多..]



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