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单词 master 例句大全,用单词master造句:

Bao cubes loyally according to the wishes accommodation of host little young master, shellfish.
鲍丁忠心地按照主人得意愿照顾小少爷, 贝。
Time is the master who heals the spiritual pain but definitely not a master of problem solving.
Gone forever are the days when the white man was the absolute master over many African countries.
Additional, master station is able to make slave stations achieve the function of global control.
The master is submerged in a nickel bath in which the metal stamper is grown on top of the master.
Master expertly quality inspection for all accessories and parts, ensure the high quality for them.
In this absolutely private space, the master's creation and interpretation of space is fully embodied.
在纯私人空间中, 体现主人对空间的创造和诠释。
To his astonishment he found his Master and the other disciples sitting there, absorbed in meditation.
We are carving wax master, to map from the board processing, and absolute confidentiality for your style.
The only inheritor from the master is devoting his life to the mission of passing on the master's skills.
My master was Abbot Xingzheng. I was born to a devout Buddhist family of several generations of believers.
我师父是当时少林寺的住持, 方丈行正老和尚。
Account closed please turns you to the Web master! Your account became closed with the following Begrdung!
Finally, accompanied by the thunderous applause from fellow initiates and guests, Master stood on the stage!
终于, 在同修和来宾得如雷掌声下, 师父上台了!
Finally, accompanied by the thunderous applause from fellow initiates and guests, master stood on the stage!
Thank You, Master, for Your abundant blessings and the many beautiful gifts You have bestowed upon the world!
But the landlord had already accepted the proposal of the young master surnamed Ma, a son of a rich family.
Who else could know the disciples better than Master? Walking in brisk footsteps, Master would finally appear.
知徒莫若师, 迈着轻松得脚步, 妈咪终于出现了!
Who else could know the disciples better than master? Walking in brisk footsteps, master would finally appear.
Abstract The necessity and general situations of revision of Master Design Code for Fishery Port are introduced.
The master control system which is the core part of the console is the bridge between the console and the master computer.
If he accepted his fate, then he should kowtow, ask Fourth Master to be his foster father and prepare to many that hag.
To issue, timely in accordance with the Project Master Schedule, the purchasing requisition and technical requirements.
I asked the boy where was his master under the pine tree, the boy answered that his master had been for medicine in the hill!
松下问童子, 言师采药去!
Master Knowledge This includes the kind of esoteric information that only a master in the field of study could possibly know.
As bin Ladins number two, he learned at the feet of the master, and by some accounts taught his boss much of what he knew about how to run an underground organization.

单词 master 释义

  • 单词释义:主人;专家;能手;男教师;(已故)艺术大师;船长;硕士学位;母带;院长;长老;少爷  [更多..]



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