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单词 magnificent 例句大全,用单词magnificent造句:

Built as an eternal symbol of love, the magnificent Taj Mahal never ceases to amaze.
作为永恒爱情的象征, 壮美的泰姬陵永远令人惊叹。
Over the last 15 years, lots of magnificent private palaces have appeared in Russia.
It It's a little bay with Hot Bay's harbours, mountains and magnificent beach views.
这是一个有著海港, 高山, 和绮丽的海滩景象的小港。
These mountains strange enough, and countless abstruse magnificent caves more bizarre
这些山已经够奇了, 而无数的深邃瑰丽的岩洞更奇
The atmosphere of learning has made the spring of the Peninsula even more magnificent.
人文气, 书香气, 蓬勃的朝气把半岛的春天涂抹的更加绚丽。
Here the tomorrow land reclamation of adumbrative development will be more magnificent.
Viewing magnificent Victoria Falls is just the beginning in africa's adventure capital!
All this also comes from LORD Almighty, wonderful in counsel and magnificent in wisdom.
这也是出于万军之耶和华。他得谋略奇妙, 他得智慧广大。
The smallest actual good is better than the most magnificent promises of impossibilities.
The foreign tourists were moved with admiration at the magnificent view of the Great Wall.
Also has elegantly magnificent and expensive condition Also has peony graceful magnanimous.
Will be willing hand in hand to advance together with you, creates more magnificent tomorrow!
愿与您携手共进, 创造更加辉煌的明天!
See huge space stations and magnificent battleships on a voyage to conquer new civilizations.
And this magnificent metal gear will make a revolutionary step forward in weapons development.
Formed a group of magnificent buildings Confucian groups, architectural layout strict symmetry.
The magnificent and grandiose style indicates that this is a typical work of the Baroque period.
The magnificent scenery did not appeared before their eyes until they reached the top of mountain.
The magnificent architectural complex, novel combinations of buildings, row upon row, generous style.
宏伟之建筑群, 新颖之组合楼, 鳞次栉比, 大方气派。
Temple in front of the original five large arches, cornices brackets, bearing extraordinary, magnificent.
庙门口原有五间大牌坊, 斗拱飞檐, 气宇非凡, 蔚为壮观。
The exhibition mirrors the magnificent achievements made in socialist revolution and socialist construction.
The hotel has different restaurants arranging on three floors with magnificent decoration and different style.
Arriving in Xishuangbanna, visitors will enter tropical rain admire the magnificent and mysterious virgin forests.
She is taken to live with her Grandfather, Alm, who lives alone on a mountain in the magnificent setting of Switzerland.
Master mentioned that She had almost forgotten how beautiful it was in Italy, with its magnificent architecture, especially in Rome.
Du Fu's aesthetic thoughts embody magnificent bosom of people in Tang Dynasty, and also show the characteristics of aesthetic thoughts transformation.

单词 magnificent 释义

  • 单词释义:壮丽的;宏伟的;值得赞扬的  [更多..]



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