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单词 maltose 例句大全,用单词maltose造句:

Maltose, which can be obtained by hydrolysis of starch, is an example of a disaccharide.
麦芽糖可由淀粉水解获得, 是双糖的一个例子。
Study on the improvement of production technology and flavor of Xiaogan maltose sesame crisps
Hops are added during brewing and after the enzymes malt have converted the starch sugar maltose.
hook the duck by the neck , spread diluted maltose over it. hang the duck in an airy place to dry.
然后用钩子勾住脖子, 再在鸭皮上涂上一层淡的麦芽糖。
The most important representatives of disaccharides are sucrose , lactose, maltose and cellobiose.
二糖最重要的代表是蔗糖, 乳糖, 麦芽糖和纤维二糖。

单词 maltose 释义

  • 单词释义:麦芽糖;饴糖;饴  [更多..]



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