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单词 kilometer 例句大全,用单词kilometer造句:

A car, which runs on compressed air with six paisa per kilometer.
一辆使用压缩空气的车 花费6派萨每公里。
Just to the right of Moretus is the 95 kilometer diameter crater Curtius.
Application and Fault Analysis for Locomotive Equivalent Kilometer Recorder
a unit of capacity equal to the volume of a cube one kilometer on each edge.
The average traffic fuel consumption of this lorry is 0.3 liter per kilometer.
这台货车的平均行车柴油 耗量为每公里0。3 公升。
Massive tides, over a kilometer in height, would ebb and flow every few hours.
The Kasradze home is just a kilometer from the dividing line with South Ossetia.
Kilocycle Kilogram Kilolitre Kilometer Kilostere Kiloton Kilovolt Kilowatt Length
千周, 千赫千克千升千米千立方米千吨千伏千瓦节, 段
It suffocates and kills all living beings within one a circumference of. 5 kilometer.
The population density is 835 persons per square kilometer, they were all Han Chinese.
and features as small as a single kilometer are discernible at the original resolution.
照片保留了原有的清晰度, 可辨别小到一公里表面形态。
Head period program area 19 square kilometer, now administer area 113 square kilometer.
The aged and mystic site of Acropolis is a kilometer away from the northeast of Mycenae.
Objects about 25 centimeters across are resolved on this image spanning about one kilometer.
Leatherbacks are able to dive almost a kilometer below the ocean surface in search for food.
The fare for the first 3 kilometersis generally 7 yuan and 2.4 yuan per kilometer thereafter.
一般前3公里付7元, 之后每公里2。4元。
And so on slogans, have paraded to approximately 1 kilometer outside Muse Tansey the Asian square.
And so on slogans, have paraded to approximately 3 kilometer outside Muse Tansey the Asian square.
The lakeside80 kilometer Tai Lake waterfronts, got together the Wuxi most essence scenery resources.
The lakeside82 kilometer Tai Lake waterfronts, got together the Wuxi most essence scenery resources.
Team Fujian Sun Yunliang displays splendidly, wins the male 65 kilogram 18 kilometer project gold medals.
Person-time,"ton kilometer" and"cubic meters per second" are all compound classifiers.
The sloth pays such little attention to its personal hygiene that green algae grow on its coarse hair and communities of a parasitic moth live in the depths of its coat producing caterpillars which graze on its mouldy hair. Its muscles are such that it is quits incapable of moving at a speed of over a kilometer an hour even over the shortest distances and the swiftest movement it can make is a sweep of its hooked arm.
其制作如此精巧, 几乎可以以假乱真。

单词 kilometer 释义

  • 单词释义:n.[物]千米,公里  [更多..]



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