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单词 kneel 例句大全,用单词kneel造句:

human beings learned for the first time how to bow, grovel, kneel, and kowtow.
Kneel before the brazier, light it, and focus on what you see before your eyes.
在火盆前面跪下并点亮它, 并且注视你眼前出现的东西。
Kneel, hold hands more than shoulder width apart, the legs bent upward lift.
At midnight they were dragged out of their cells and made to kneel on the gravel.
Kneel down in front of the king's body and wait for the punishment of the heaven.
在国王的遗体前下跪, 等待上天的惩戒。
The child must kneel down to adult kowtows, thanks adult they the small generation.
He is taken into the bathroom, made to kneel in a bathtub beside a bucket of water.
You wouldn't kneel down to pray for your mother on her deathbed when she asked you.
Kneel on the floor with your knees hip width and thighs perpendicular to the floor.
用膝盖跪在地板上, 大腿垂直于地板。
Kneel down before a crucifix, be sorry for your sins, and beg My Mothers protection.
Go to temple with me to seek a sign, grasp my hand kissingly and kneel down together.
同我去庙里求签, 轻轻捉住我的手一同跪下。
They gaze on the darkness, they kneel, and they clasp their hands. What does signify ?
The boy or girl is made to write a confession and kneel in front of his or her parents.
Therefore, now kneel with your hands in Angali Mudra before the Buddha and make your vows.
The Xuan breeze senior take two pieces of long long of the ferule run to kneel before teacher.
Oh, come let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker for He is our God.
喔, 让我们屈膝敬拜主, 因为祂是创造我们的上帝。
In addition, the Buddha are to support a full squat enough to kneel on a highrise on Angiopteris.
Grandmother Chen had another idea and calmly told Xiangzi to kneel in front of a tall incense stick.
Old men kneel and accept their fate. Wives and daughters cut and raped. A generation drenched in hate.
于是, 你就跪在一边, 等候神。
There, they were forced to kneel, heads facing downwards, while policemen pointed guns at their heads.
Give obituary notice it when some unfilial shall kneel down in front of a longer period of time crying.
In desperation, the airline's ground service personnel had to kneel down to apologize to the passengers.
无奈之下, 航空公司的地服人员只得向乘客下跪赔礼道歉。
Kneel in front of your padding and place your elbows shoulderwidth apart near the front edge of your support.
在你的垫子前边跪立, 手肘放到上面, 肘同肩宽。
The quest for the Holy Grail is the quest to kneel before the bones of Mary Magdalene. A journey to pray at the feet of the outcast one.
I see that I will, someday, kneel again in my flower bed with a shawl of sunshine upon my shoulders and the scent of rosemary so sharp I taste it.

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