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单词 knead 例句大全,用单词knead造句:

Combine all the ingredients for the dough and mix until dough forms. Knead dough until smooth.
Mix all the dough ingredients and knead vigorously. Then place it in the fridge for30 minutes.
把面团的所有材料混合, 揉搓成团。放到冰箱里冰上30分钟。
Knead the dough on a lightly floured work surface until the dough has become smooth and elastic.
台面铺上少许粉, 放上面团, 用手揉搓成至光滑有弹性。
Switch to higher speed and knead until you have obtained soft and smooth dough, about10 minutes.
提速继续搅打揉搓直到面团光滑柔软, 约10分钟。
Cook the rice and knead the rice into a ball, put it on your face and knead it until it is dirty.
Knead the dough by hand on a tabletop, until it has the consistency of an earlobe, about 8 minutes.
But you want to compulsorily let people the small iron pillar is to your knead, that how compulsive?
This machine could both cut grass and knead independently, and could substitute the feeding machine.
Conclusion Knead ridge therapy has good effect in treating children with spleen and stomach weakness.
Knead in remaining sugar.Knead until the fondant is smooth, pliable and does not stick to your hands.
在桌面上洒上剩下的1磅糖粉, 将上述的的材料揉至光滑即成。
A counterfeit paper thin hair soft, partial, sound noticed, not resistant to knead the 20 percent.
subcutaneous tissue There are aforementioned nerve knead doughs to move inside, venous branch or belong to.
皮下组织内有上述神经和面动, 静脉的分支或属支。
Then adjust to middle speed and knead for about 5 minutes until dough comes off easily from bowl and smooth.
Everyday when I come home after work, my husband will give me a knead on my shoulder and a pound on my back!
Knead twist time passes short, become a rate difference, go against fry make dish of floriated bead tea grain.
揉捻时间过短, 成条率差, 不利于炒制成盘花形的珠茶颗粒。
Fold gently with a wooden spatula. Knead into a dough ball. Wrap dough with plastic wrap and chill for 28 minutes.
Knead with the counterclockwise on the right side of turn to fill, the clockwise is kneaded turn for have diarrhoea.
右侧以反时针方向揉转为补, 顺时针方向揉转为泻。
Mixed minced fish with red curry paste, egg, fish sauce, kaffir lime leaves and long bean, knead for a while and string.
abstract Objective To discuss the mechanism of knead ridge therapy in treating children with spleen and stomach weakness.
Bring water to the boil. Add sugar and edible ammonia powder. Quickly mix in tang flour and tapioca flour. Knead into dough.
烧滚水, 加入糖及臭粉, 快手与澄面及薯粉拌匀, 搓成粉团。
Rules Knead the flour and make as many rice balls as you can in four minutes. The group who has made the most rice balls wins.
Please press and knead that particular spot between your thumb and middle finger until you feel pain, repeat this three times a day.
请你每天用拇指和食指揉捏它直到有疼感为止, 每日三次。
Usage After bath free heart check amount knead slightly, then spread evenly in the body, a little massage, infiltration can be quickly absorbed.

单词 knead 释义

  • 单词释义:揉;捏(面团、湿粘土等);按摩;揉捏(肌肉等)  [更多..]



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