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单词 kill 例句大全,用单词kill造句:

Coconuts are also high in lauric acid, a fatty acid that tends to kill pathogens.
Adding Stealth Tanks to handle air units or kill Harvesters, is also a good option.
Nora arrived at the party dressed to kill, causing every head to turn in admiration.
In addition, the human use of other drugs also, such as sulfa drugs to kill bacteria.
Zhuge Liang suspected that Zhou Yu wanted to kill him, so he prepared well in advance.
If Noah had to kill a patient, he couldn't have picked one who'd be more accommodating.
如果诺亚总得弄死个病人的话, 再没有比这个更好打发的了。
I swear, if I hadn't mother on her deathbed that I wouldn't kill you, I would kill you!
Week of Abjuration kill level of all Light Magic ell increased to maximum during attles.
To implicate Felicia, we'd need some evidence that she was actively trying to kill Paul.
要指证菲丽莎,需要有证据 证明她一直试图谋杀保罗。
How avoids kill, ensure new is round of agriculture structural adjustment started rise ?
如何趋利避害, 确保新一轮农业结构调整启动起来?
Adult tucuxi dolphins have been seen trying to kill a newborn calf of their own species.
One pinhead of the pufferfish poison is sufficient to kill a full grown adult male human.
The intraperitoneal injection of the extract of AFL would kill the mice which received it.
The drug suramin, which is used to kill invading trypanosomes, is accumulated in lysosomes.
Because this is kill two birds with one stone of affair, I do with optimistic things to face.
因为这是两全其美的事情, 我呢就用乐观的事情来面对。
During epidemics, insecticides are also often applied as space sprays to kill the adult mosquitoes.
在流行期间, 也可经常应用杀虫剂喷洒空间以杀死成蚊。
To kill"now" is to kill the"future".——Future is the era of our descendants.
We agree with you about how an Assassination rogue should play setting up a kill and then delivering it.
Fishermen hunt dolphins for catfish bait, he says, and they also kill them accidentally in their gill nets.
渔民用鲶鱼引诱河豚上钩, 他说, 有时他们也张网捕捉。
The enemy's objective is to aggravate this contradiction, hence his policy of burn all, kill all, loot all.
Observation of the Site Preventive and Treating Effect on Cockroaches of Vidocq Adhesive Bait to Kill Cockroaches
For if you eat living food, the same will quicken you, but if you kill your food, the dead food will kill you also.
因为如果你们吃活的食物, 你们也会加快成为同样的食物。
This week, American officials accused Iran of being involved in a plot to kill Saudi Arabias ambassador to the United States.
Caterina first met Abel Nightroad when he saved her from a group of vampires who attempted to kill her by order of the Contra Mundi.
又生了该隐的弟弟亚伯。亚伯是牧羊的, 该隐是耕地的。
In July the American Academy of Pediatrics and the US Public Health Service urged vaccine makers to remove the trace of mercury preservative added to many vaccines to kill bacteria.

单词 kill 释义

  • 单词释义:v.杀死,毁掉,杀伤  [更多..]



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