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单词 keyboard 例句大全,用单词keyboard造句:

Plus, you can browse through your photos using the left right arrow keys on your keyboard.
另外, 你可以通过键盘上的左右方向键来浏览你的照片。
Press the key or keys shown in the keyboard tip associated with the command that you want.
To see a set of keyboard shortcuts for the home page, just hit the question mark key anytime.
要查看主页的快捷键设置, 只需点击问号键便可。
The first line below sets up an array that we will use to monitor key presses on the keyboard.
Customize your keyboard settings, such as the cursor blink rate and the character repeat rate.
'These inert machines channel the richness of human communication through a keyboard and mouse.
New Thought About Nurturing Talents Who Can Accompany Impromptu With Keyboard Musical Instruments
In the loudest and fastest staccatos we can also take advantage of the rebound from the keyboard.
Keyboard arrow keys angle adjustment, keyboard keys about the dynamics of the space bar archery.
If the keyboard mapping scheme for your development language does not include a key binding for the
You can activate Tweak mode by holding on the keyboard and simultaneously dragging a component with.
Key Keyboard control about moving on the bond jumping to the top of your game Halo, and then eat it.
Examples of advanced text services include speech, handwriting, and East Asian keyboard input services.
Blind keyboard Typesetting keyboard that does not provide a visual record or a hard copy of the keying.
A musical instrument consisting of graduated steel plates that are struck by hammers activated by a keyboard.
The keyboard is too high, which makes your arms reach up, your shoulders hunch and your wrists bend down.
Keyboard arrow keys control muzzle perspective, the key to control about shooting, and the space bar shooting.
键盘上下键控制炮口角度, 左右键控制射击力度, 空格键射击。
The fabulous, careful beat balances a glinting series of keyboard puffs against what sounds like a gun cocking.
华丽的, 精细的节奏平衡了如同枪击一样的重击音。
The move and revolution of the assembly can be controlled through the operation of the keyboard and wheel mouse.
Will these improvements be enough for the virtual keyboard to entirely displace the electromechanical keyboard ?
After some furious finger tapping on the keyboard of a Personal Digital Assistant, Fei Fei leaned back in her chair.
especially behind the ball many times. operations guide keyboard control , key control movement , key blank shooting.
操作指南键盘控制, 方向键控制移动, 空格键射击。
To prevent the keyboard from smudging, the labeling must be covered with a transparent adhesive strip or a transparent adhesive film.
为了防止弄脏键盘标签, 应使用透明胶条或透明胶片覆盖。
You can imagine, in the future, as we develop this kind of technology, a keyboard that kind of automatically drifts as your hand moves away.
试想未来随着科技进步 会有一种跟着你的手移动
Kbrequest The process will be executed when init receives a signal from the keyboard handler that a special key combination was pressed on the console keyboard.

单词 keyboard 释义

  • 单词释义:键盘;琴键;键盘乐器  [更多..]



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