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单词 laboring 例句大全,用单词laboring造句:

The contract will be rescinded when Party B is subjected to penal or laboring punishment.
乙方被依法追究刑事责任或劳动教养, 本合同自行解除。
Feasibility Study of The Outline of Laboring technical and Vocational Education in School for the Deaf
Under such circumstances, the human rights of the majority of laboring people were out of the question.
This brings into play the enthusiasm of the laboring masses and at the same time prevents polarization.
Pathological change of pulmonary and role of complement in amniotic fluid embolism after laboring in rats
In the old society the laboring people suffered oppression and exploitation, getting along like beasts of burden.
在旧社会, 劳动人民受压迫受剥削, 过着牛马一样的生活。
I do not find it believable that he would waste thirteen years laboring over a never ending experiment in rhetoric.
Edwin Chadwick, Report from the Poor Law Commissioners on an Inquiry into the Sanitary Condition of the Laboring Population of Great Britain

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