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单词 kid 例句大全,用单词kid造句:

Already, in the space of one afternoon, I was so in love with this kid.
So, it was always like they called me Kid David, because I was the kid.
Effect of Ultrasonic Treatment on the Extracting Activity of Kid Rennet.
Kerry urged me to take it for a drive around the pit and the kid agreed.
凯丽催促我在沙砾铺的赛道上试试车, 卖车的小伙子同意了。
The emergency room ascertained that the kid had no alcohol in his blood.
How many adoption agencies are gonna give a kid to a professional killer?
Ace chose to let that go by. He kept watching the kid with the basketball.
We talked about this earlier. I know we talked about it, but look, the kid.
我知道我们之前谈过了 可是孩子。
So if you want to teach someone how to program, kid, adult, whatever it is.
After that, it just never felt right to come back and ambush him with a kid.
There had been only cold lifeless images accompanying her since she was a kid.
人们说女孩是百年难见的奇才, 她完美的绘画技巧无懈可击。
All right, the guy must have done something really bad to make the kid so angry.
And meanwhile she'll be dropping a kid. who's going to take care of the kid, eh?
她马上就要养孩子了。谁来照料孩子呢, 嗯?
God is a mean kid sitting on an anthill with a magnifying glass, and I'm the ant.
and this kid who was just this really hyper kid, I started calling him Monkey Boy.
这孩子一直非常精力旺盛 于是我给他取了个外号,猴仔
When the kid first came to town he was afraid of everything in the urban environment.
The kid's character formation cans not get away from the influence of the adult in fact.
The kid is naughty and refuses to accept instructions, his parents should be more patient.
So amazing, that for the first time in my life, I. actually enjoyed hanging out with a kid.
神奇的是,有生以来头一回 我真挺享受和一个小孩出去逛。
This is the home field of Boca Juniors. This chubby kid has amazing control over the ball!
This is his kid Yue, dont defiance to make people believe is a full 28yearold adult matron yet.
这就是他的童悦, 不敢让人相信是已满二十八岁的熟女。
I've never been a wonderful kid that everybody in the world loves and thinks is so well, like Nicho.
As a kid, I used to tweak the antenna continually and maybe even pound the top of our TVs wood cabinet.
我小时候会一直调整天线, 甚至还会敲电视机的木造外壳。
And so far, I kind of admit, that this might feel like it's a message just to go out and play like a kid.
至此,我承认这好像是 叫你们像个小孩那样去玩。
Although the good surname is unusually hard, Adidas JS Wings, but somehow the kid has no what problem.

单词 kid 释义

  • 单词释义:<口>小孩;小山羊,小山羊皮制品  [更多..]



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