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单词 knock 例句大全,用单词knock造句:

Knock the nape of in front not to slay, that is absolutely a mistake!
The white cells gobble up the invaders, and the antibodies knock them out.
If something is reading too much, knock it back by adding in darker values.
如果某些地方太突出了, 通过加深再把它推回去。
Gune found out that Ping locks Nam, but he is knock out by Ping afterwards.
军发现有男被锁在仓内, 冷不防被萍从后击晕。
Why did you knock away far so long rime ?There wasn't anybody in, you know.
The boss attached great importance to him, for he was able to knock up copy.
老板很器重他, 因为他能赶着出稿。
Talk about Automatic Knock Control System for Gasoline Engine Superficially.
Lourdes cure, waters of oblivion, and the Knock apparition, statues bleeding.
With foreigners selling their South African assets, the rand is taking a knock.
Zhou Yu had Zhuge Liang knock up one hundred thousand arrows within three days.
Weapons with knock back effects may prove useful in dispatching your assailant.
They peel off bark, splitting me several, Be using numerous to knock me and night.
The speechwriters will knock out a first draft whick the president will then amend.
Assuming an inflexible stance likely will backfire and knock you out of the running.
态度不灵活可能产生相反作用, 把你淘汰出局。
The light photons, or bundle of light energy, knock electrons in the chromium atoms.
I guess it would be hoped that they don't knock Jesus down as they barge into Heaven!
我猜想这是希望他们不要敲下来, 因为耶稣升天驳船!
Jean Valjean advanced with precaution, taking care not to knock against the furniture.
冉阿让仍朝前走, 谨慎小心, 唯恐撞了家具。
He who has done nothing shameful By day need not Be alarmed By a knock on the door at night.
User can scan, knock down and annotate the geometrical model, and read thefeature information.
Standard test method for knock characteristics of aviation gasolines by the supercharge method
All this had a tendency to keep us awake, and knock the traditional dullness out of garrison life.
There was a knock at the door... Now Jan knew her mother had promised to visit, so she assumed it was her.
I used to go out nearly every night but I decided to knock it on the head because I couldn't really afford it.
The avoidance of the incidence of knock and backfire is the most important considerations in H0 spark ignition engines.
What about a car horn that sprays sedatives into the air to knock out the idiot driver ahead and get him out of your way?

单词 knock 释义

  • 单词释义:敲,碰;打通;把…撞击成(某个状态);打破;(心)怦怦跳,(膝盖)打哆嗦;发碰撞声;批评;打球  [更多..]



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