Eyemovements Study on Overt Visuospatial Attention Shifts in Learning Disabilities.
Magicians consider the covert form of misdirection more elegant than the overt form.
This overt politicisation of the army high command was one of the reasons why India lost.
Such pseudolending has exploded this year as constraints on overt lending have tightened.
Developmental neurotoxicity of chlorpyrifos at subthreshold dose of overt systemic toxicity
Its overt failure to prevent such looting was roundly condemned by thinking people everywhere.
Bormann was surely the source of all the overt or covert opposition to an expansion of my Ministry.
We express deep regret for the overt remarks of the Indian side regardless of the historical facts.
我们对印方不顾历史事实, 公开发表相关言论深感遗憾。
She criticized any overt display of emotion and attempts at open rebellion against the Ruling Power.
凡是明显的感情流露或者公开反抗执政党的企图, 她都批评。
The federal government should nurture infant industries through overt subsidies and protective tariffs.
The teacher didnt believe that Ned was annoying me until she saw him in the overt act of pulling my hair.
知道老师看见内德公然扯我的头发时, 才相信内德欺负我。
In eastern Chad, in the camps, there have been several incidents of overt recruitment by Sudanese rebels.
The subject matter is sexual activity of any overt kind, which is depicted as inherently desirable and exciting.
According to the United States Constitution, a person must commit an overt act before he may be tried for treason.
Effect and significance of overt atrioventricular accessary pathway on ventricular high frequency electric activities
Overt clinical signs of infection such as fever typically predicted significant CSF abnormalities on lumbar puncture.
There were other overt discriminatory treatments meted out to medical staff, which were utterly irrational and inexcusable.
还有其他对医疗人员的歧视行为, 更毫无理性和不可原谅。
Comparison of the orthodromic method with the antidromic maping method for locating target of ablating overt right accessory atrioventricular pathway