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单词 oversea 例句大全,用单词oversea造句:

The oversea compatriot owns over a hundred million, most of which is used for charity.
这个侨胞得侨产上亿, 其中大部分都被用于慈善事业。
The CTS has built a longterm cooperative relations with over 300 oversea travel agencies.
The practice of oversea proves that ensure petroleum security by legislation is efficient.
国外实践证明, 用法律保障一国石油资源安全效果明显。
STAND will sincerely service and make friends with all our domestic and oversea clienteles.
思探得将竭诚服务于广大客户, 广交天下朋友!
Undoubtedly, the entry of oversea Private Equity Investment is easing the financial strain.
Discussion about oversea transmission of the digital radio multiple access subscriber system
Hence, pure country the first term oversea minister present credential of the process ended.
A Brief Talk on the Background of Oversea Chinese Students in Southeast Asia Learning Chinese
Announced After a month, the oversea letter which nobody Receives will be returned the sender.
本信件公告经一个月后仍未有人领取, 即退回寄件人!
The U. S. military always under the public spot light, especially the oversea military bases in Asia.
The Chinatown has become the most ideal place in oversea Chinese peoples party, recreation, shopping.
Distribution of Oversea Chinese from Guangxi in ASEAN and Contribution to Local and Guangxi's Development
Be responsible for all the oversea representatives, reporting to Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce.
Oversea Drilling as Supplementary Measures in the Detailed Investigation for the Bachimen Extra Large Bridge
The Reasons of Oversea Chinese Having Been Employed at High Levels by Siamese Royal Family in the Monopoly Trade
Does the company have successful experience of glob al cooperation If Yes, please list out the oversea clientsnames.
该公司具有成功的全球业务合作经验吗如果有, 请列出。
The Competitive and Cooperative Situation for the Oversea Petroleum Supplying between China and India and Its Game Analyses
On Oversea Chinese Political Parties in Indonesia and their Participation in the Indonesian Political and Government Affairs
On the expiry of 5 days after discharge overside of the goods hereby insured from the oversea vessel at the final port of discharge
An oversea investor with any unfavorable record is not allowed to conduct any of the aforesaid activities within the Chinese territory.
On the expiry of 60 days after completion of discharge overside of the goods hereby insured from the oversea vessel at the final port discharge

单词 oversea 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.外国的,海外的  [更多..]



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