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单词 pair 例句大全,用单词pair造句:

AC Milan are being linked with Barcelona pair Carles Puyol and Rafael Marquez.
Pair allows the service to run under an account other than the system account.
I have to buy a new pair of socks, as the soles of this old pair have worn out.
My mother buys a pair of trousers for me. My mother buys me a pair of trousers.
An Active Adapter for Transmitting Video Signal Through Twisted Pair of Category
They advised that with every suit of clothes they would threw in a pair of gloves.
I cant afford a pair of nike, too expensive. Get me something cheaper, please.
The nuclear pair correlations can be viewed in terms of condensate of pair quanta.
Z adopt pair of straight line slide way, stable, working accuracy of drive is high.
三轴采用双直线导轨, 传动平稳, 运行精度高。
Adjacency pair is a basic unit of the conversation structure which is more complex.
Now, if she's a servant, there is no way she could afford a pair of pearl earrings.
如果她是个管家的话,显然她不可能买得起 这样的耳环
Double orphaned kind, like two armor pair of muscle, because is the acidic medicine.
A simple construction method for magic squares with even orders number pair adjacent
They advertised that with every suit of elothes they would throw in a pair of golves.
It's a wonderful marvellous splendid affair to have not one BaBy But such a cute pair.
不是有了一个, 而是这样漂亮的一对, 这真是绝顶美妙的喜事。
Ready tool a pair of scissors, a pencil, like a piece of paper, a doublesided adhesive.
准备工具剪刀一把, 铅笔一支, 像皮一块, 双面胶一条。
Forehead with a pair of nice black drum, there is a pair of good old red drum forehead.
有一对小黑鼓脑门不错, 还有一对老的红鼓脑门不错。
Bivalent Describing any pair of homologous chromosomes when they pair up during MEIOSIS.
Methods A pair of acetochlor acute and chronic toxicity tests for loach were carried out.
Sexing your new bunny is important, especially if you recently adopted a pair of rabbits.
Each pair of photographs is accompanied by an extended caption that tells the childs story.
High processing accuracy due to super precision linear motion pair adopted in moving parts.
运动部分采用高精度直线轴承运动副, 组角精度高。
feeding system adopts imported linear guide pair, with high accuracy and long service sine.
进给系统采用进口直线轴承运动副, 精度高, 稳定性好
Three together is called a license, there are three additional licenses for a pair of wins.
三张连在一起的牌叫一副, 有三副另加一对牌者为胜。
The pair of sidewalls is disposed between the tread and the pair of parallel annular beads.

单词 pair 释义

  • 单词释义:一双;分两个相连接部分的物体;一对(两个…);一起拉车的两匹马  [更多..]



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