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单词 overlap 例句大全,用单词overlap造句:

This is a misplacement, an overlap of my childhood memories and the reality of today.
The Overlap Chamfering Machine especially for deburr and bevel angles to finish parts.
Allow forms of communication that were previously separate to overlap and interconnect.
These two pieces of paper are of different sizes and cannot completely overlap each other.
The treatment of overlap displaced fracture of the distal ulna and radius with manipulation
Automatic Extraction of Image Tie Points for Aerial Digital Frame Imagery with Large Overlap
In principle, overlap prevention methods can be classified by the axial and circumferential.
He now carves out his niche at the overlap of the Venn diagram of comedy, politics, and tech.
他从喜剧, 政治和科技的交集中找到了发财机会。
Clear commitments from your schedule that would overlap the time youve allotted for your habit.
Conclusion Continuous positive airway pressure is an effective method to treat overlap syndrome.
Competition and Overlap among Dialects of Different Origins and Layers in their Boundary Regions
Overlap of articles is a complicated theory of Criminal Law in Continental Law System countries.
As the holes were now close enough to overlap, there was no need for additional tracing or cutting.
如洞是现在接近地足够重叠, 不需要另外的追踪或切断。
As this report has used a very broad definition, it may overstate the extent to which overlap exists.
The Valve Minimum Correction uses this counter for adjustment of spool overlap correction initial set up.
这个得字面意思是阀最小修正量, 什么是阀最小修正量?
But the endothelium of lymphatic capillaries interconnects loosely. And the overlap junction could be seen.
These three departments have purposeful overlap of responsibilities as illustrated in the Venn diagram above.
Area between the groups do not overlap, the sound will howl to the declaration of the scope of other groups.
The vertical overlap and development of fan delta front were controlled by subsidence center of the fault depression.
Application of model for transition zones in overlap reverse faults in buried hill of major horsts in Central Tarim Basin
The overlap replies to constitute own heart social to the thing desire of the understanding of the complicated structure.
The stratigraphic overlap traps in the south margin of the Kuqa Depression is a favourable target for hydrocarbon exploration.
Methods The overlap illumination therapy was adopted in the 132 patients with furuncle and phyma, with the different dose of red spot.
Methods The overlap illumination therapy was adopted in the 134 patients with furuncle and phyma, with the different dose of red spot.
What is striking about this is that there's actually often quite a lot of overlap between their list and the list that we are considering.
比较烦人的是 事实上 在他们的列表和我们正在考虑的

单词 overlap 释义

  • 单词释义:重叠部分;覆盖物,涂盖层;[数]交叠,相交  [更多..]



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