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单词 outcry 例句大全,用单词outcry造句:

There was never any outcry about that because cortisone is legal.
There was a great outcry about the construction of the new airport.
The bureau took the report down after it generated a public outcry.
在报告引发公众哗然后, 该局已将报告从网上撤下。
As a concession to the public outcry, the government reduced the tax.
Now the men and their wives raised a great outcry against their Jewish brothers.
We understand and appreciate the public outcry against the scientific misconducts.
Mr. Aso also, blind to the public outcry, at first gave Mr. Nakagawa his full support.
Those who did not die were afflicted with tumors, and the outcry of the city went up to heaven.
未曾死的人都生了痔疮。合城呼号, 声音上达于天。
Then there was a great outcry from the people and their wives against their countrymen the jews.
百姓和他们的妻大大呼号, 埋怨他们的弟兄犹大人。
and the Lord said, Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is very great, and their sin is very evil,
The outcry about the proposed changes to the design of the pound coin turned out to be a typical storm in a teacup.
Those whose hearts were turned away from him will get knowledge, and those who made an outcry against him will give attention to his teaching.
The 1993 Warner Bros. movie was a hit, and was followed by an international public outcry, led mainly by children, when it turned out that Willy in real life was Keiko, a sick and captive whale.

单词 outcry 释义

  • 单词释义:高声叫喊,尖叫;公开反对,强烈抗议;拍卖,叫卖  [更多..]



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