Male inflorescence an axillary cluster calyx entire, margins undulate female sepals broadly ovate.
雄花序一腋生簇束花萼全缘, 边缘波状雌花萼片宽卵形。
The auriculate stipules and ovate epicalyx lobe appendages of this species are instantly diagnostic.
Leaf blade broadly ovate to suborbicular, 26 cm, base subrounded to truncate, rarely shallowly cordate.
叶片宽卵形到近圆形, 26厘米, 基部近圆形到截形, 很少浅心形。
Hilum locates at the bottom, near ventral surface of seed, or at the bottom of seed, ovate or elliptic, depressed.
种脐位于基端偏向腹部一侧或位于基端, 卵形或椭圆形, 下凹