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单词 outsourcing 例句大全,用单词outsourcing造句:

Study on the Selection of Modular Outsourcing Suppliers Based on the Extensive Comprehensive Evaluation Approach
The size of government was drastically reduced while outsourcing and individual contracts increased substantially.
The Study on the Countermeasures of Developing China's Trade in Services by Taking Advantage of Service Outsourcing
Thereout the paper raised the strategy of improving the mechanism for product outsourcing of the government public goods.
Support production outsourcing and acquisition integration projects, support Engineering Change review and implementation.
协助外协 生产和内购项目,协助设计变更的审查和实施。
Follow up the execution of the outsourcing contract together with requiring dept, insure the implementation of various contract.
与需求部门一起跟进外包合同的执行, 确保合同的实施。
Education agencies like Ambow Newer are also putting resources here to conduct professional trainings for the service outsourcing industry.

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