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单词 pact 例句大全,用单词pact造句:

The Locarno Pact was signed in London, guaranteeing peace and frontiers in Europe.
Such a pact should contain commitments both from Governments and from other actors.
The pact requires signatories to assist other countries in detecting illicit funds.
And for Germany, at least, the Pact for the Euro is the route to lasting salvation.
而对德国而言, 欧元公约意味着持续的救助。
It used to be thought that women who practised witchcraft had a pact with the devil.
After NATO responds with Nuclear weapons, the PACT will use Nuclear weapons as well.
而在北约使用核武回应之后, 华约同样也可能使用核武。
The other two opposition parties cannot agree on an electoral pact between themselves.
Today it includes former enemies of NATO that were members of the Sovietled Warsaw Pact.
Chaotic Armor The Juggernauts have made a pact with UrKhrag, the Overlord of Destruction.
混沌甲胄狂暴恶魔与毁灭之王, 鄂克哈里格签订了契约。
For the European Union, this is one of the most important challenges for the Stability Pact.
They construed the social contract as a pact of complete subjection to an absolute sovereign.
The NATO alliance has been struggling to define its role since the demise of the Warsaw Pact.
自华沙条约湮灭, 北约同盟就一直在努力定位自己的角色。
Choose a place that doesnt have an extradition pact with the place you are running away from.
I therefore agree never to seek to overturn this pact with an appeal to the God of the Universe.
因此, 我同意从未寻求推翻这个协议与上诉的宇宙的神。
Shadowmasters Pact Drains life from your body and heals an ally with the amount of life you lose.
The international anticorruption pact prescribes that the scope of bribe is the malfeasance good.
Dark Pact Can no longer be cast when the warlock has an enslaved demon pet that does not have mana.
The lifelong pact must be avoided and the employing units'reasonable concerns should be safeguarded.
A mass rally to denounce Wang Chingweis traitorous pact is scheduled to be held on February 1 in Yanan.
A mass rally to denounce Wang Chingweis traitorous pact is scheduled to be held on February 1 in Yenan.
The declaration together with the plans of action would constitute the Stability, Security and Development Pact.
The pact, signed in Beijing by the two countries Foreign Ministers, finally settles the demarcation of the border.
Some of those activities have been carried out within the framework of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe.
Her remarks appeared to close the door on any further talks on the pact, the subject of nearly a year of grueling negotiations.
Among former Warsaw Pact countries, the majority of Russians and Ukrainians said the break up of the Soviet Union was a bad thing.

单词 pact 释义

  • 单词释义:n.合同,公约,协定  [更多..]



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