Along with kind deserve to give data, gush to mix agent each packet.
The thin silk packet, a bottle of liquor by the drink after soaking.
薄绢包之, 用白酒一瓶浸泡后饮之。
This paper also uses the wavelet packet to analyze the pulse signals.
Theory of power system fault data compression based on wavelet packet
With packet filtering, you have access to deliver the package yourself.
使用包过滤时, 你自己来送交此小数据包。
An algorithm of packet classification based on binary search on levels.
In each packet there are batches of letters, most of which are undated.
They were definitely more happy when I pulled out a packet of biscuits.
当我拿出一包饼干时, 他们显然更加高兴了。
Wavelet Packet Analysis of Abnormal Noises of Low Noise Rolling Bearings
There is twelve registered letter to is send in addition to this packet.
Changes Changes that must occur to a packet to implement a backlog item.
There is twelve registered letters to be sent in addition to this packet.
A packet of white powder was found and police scientists are analyzing it.
发现了一包白色粉末, 侦破专家正在对其进行分析。
All of the information available to a packet filter firewall is presented.
I went out the back with a packet of balloons. I to make some water bombs.
我拿着一袋气球从后门走出去, 想制作一些水弹。
Winston had squatted down beside her. He tore open a corner of the packet.
温斯顿蹲在她身边, 把那纸包撕开了一个角儿。
Actually, need not wrap packet greatly, asas practical and convenient best.
其实, 不用大包小包, 只要实用方便最好。
Denoising Algorithm Based on Convolution Type of Wavelet Packet Transformation
Packet.The metric is a standard value based on bandwidth, hop count, delay, or
米是一个标准的值基于带宽, 跳数, 廷迟
B commitments in the packet switch Box Packing pasted on the marker, see style.
In other words, only the actual packet payload data is subject to fragmentation.
换一句话说, 对碎片而言, 实际的包的负载数据是目标。
Effective splitting of a trapped atomic wave packet in the motional ground state
Packet. The metric is a standard value based on bandwidth, hop count, delay, or.
And there, on the table, where my newspaper had been, was my packet of biscuits.
This mechanism does not attempt to conceal or protect the contents of the packet.