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单词 padding 例句大全,用单词padding造句:

The width of the box containing the buttons is the total width of the buttons plus the padding between them.
Kneel in front of your padding and place your elbows shoulderwidth apart near the front edge of your support.
在你的垫子前边跪立, 手肘放到上面, 肘同肩宽。
Research on Optimizing Combination of Padding and Removal Efficiency of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Low Temperature
We now have cotton padding for winter clothing for the whole army of five thousand men but are still short of cloth.
The Comparison of the Removing Effect on the Pollutant of the Padding and Plant Commonly Used in the Constructed Wetland
Moleskin adhesive protection padding is good for protecting the feet from painful friction when wearing thongs and sandals.
The new development of a padding machine, which is equally suited for the finishing of woven fabrics and knitted goods, is described.
The use of double selection for the prosthesis and major pectoral muscle padding above the upper pole of the prosthesis in augmentation mammoplasty

单词 padding 释义

  • 单词释义:衬料;衬垫;赘语;废话  [更多..]



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