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单词 mobilize 例句大全,用单词mobilize造句:

The meeting then broke up with the decision to mobilize more farmers.
会议结束时, 大伙儿决定发动更多的群众参加斗争。
We must mobilize strong forces to pursue and attack the fleeing enemy.
Mobilize the courage of your heart, as the truly awake ones are doing.
In any church a true leader must be able to mobilize the spirit world.
在任何教会, 真正的指导者必需能动员灵界。
Instead, we must mobilize allies and partners to take collective action.
They also need to mobilize international awareness for African countries.
A National Sports Development Fund has been set up to mobilize resources.
The President had constitutional power to mobilize troops in an emergency.
依据宪法, 总统有权在紧急情况下调动军队。
We must mobilize the masses to prepare against all possible eventualities.
我们要发动群众作好准备, 以应付各种可能发生得情况。
Troop and police contributors will have to mobilize personnel and equipment.
Rotary clubs can act as a catalyst to mobilize various groups to work together.
Weibo has also been used to mobilize Chinese to donate money to people in need.
此外, 微博也被用于动员大家为需要的人群捐款。
Furthermore, it is imperative to mobilize adequate human and material resources.
In addition, a human development fund had been established to mobilize resources.
Only centre government has the power to mobilize the countrys economic resources.
Establish the competition mechanism to mobilize the enthusiasm of political workers.
At noon, Mr. Wang started to mobilize investment clients to account additional funding.
中午, 博宏投资开始动员客户, 往账户中追加资金。
If he detected any slackening off effort Monnet would mobilize his army of powerful friends.
We must mobilize our powers of reasoning and abstract thought, which are unique to humankind.
He often envied the communist capacity to mobilize popular idealism, especially of the young.
他经常羡慕共产党唤起民众, 特别是青年的理想的才能。
And he had balked at carrying out the prewar plans to mobilize women for work in the factories.
Fourthly, key of transform about agrotechnical popularizing is to mobilize technicians, enthusiasm.
The United Nations has done a great deal to mobilize international efforts in that important field.
He announced the cancellation of all police leave, and to mobilize support around the London police.
他宣布取消所有警察的休假, 并调集各地警力支援伦敦。
That clearly requires an ongoing information process to raise awareness and to mobilize the citizenry.

单词 mobilize 释义

  • 单词释义:调动;动员;组织,动员起来  [更多..]



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