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单词 minute 例句大全,用单词minute造句:

The children messed the classroom during the teacher's five-minute absence.
We have seen people become aggressive the minute they sit behind the wheel.
A 25 minute journey can easily become a 90 minute journey during rush hour.
The world witnessed, minute by minute, the devastation caused by the earthquake.
I should say that he always added that he would do it all over again in a minute.
Absolutely, exquisitely minute, and yet we've discovered pretty much the full set.
完全的,极致的微小 但我们几乎还是全部发现了它们
The 88 th minute, Portsmouth place Diyala accumulates two cards to punish the fate.
I can type fifty words per minute and I take shorthand at seventy words per minute.
Wait a minute. I took them home with me yesterday Ah, here they are in my briefcase.
Then, at the very last minute, the injunction was lifted and the auction went ahead.
Many great inspirations are made in a minute and followed with marvelous achievements.
Raises abundantly at competition s final 25 minute substitution card Zola goes on stage.
Within a minute afterwards, he was, to all outward appearance, as unsubstantial as ever.
She is used to recording everyday receipts, and expenditures on in a minute account book.
In the ocean there was an abundance of minute and translucent, often phosphorescent, beings.
That means that you guys will soon be able to access one of these machines, if not this minute.
现在人们 可以很方便地使用这些机器 但不是马上
Apex acuminate to cuspidate; abaxial surface paler, glabrous, midrib with minute setae and glands.
Objective To understand minute anatomy and adjacent relationship of human internal acoustical meatus.
The Financial Times reported that an additional million students backed out of the test last minute in2013.
SAM Well, you know, you were just talking to me a minute ago about the precipitous decline in advertising revenue.
要知道, 一分钟前你还在跟我讨论报纸广告下滑的问题。
The amount of chemicals absorbed is thought to be so minute that they would be difficult to discern through testing.
被吸收的化学物质被认为是很少量, 难以通过检测识别。
Transverse bracing was installed between the two shafts. Minute vertical and lateral adjuster is built in the nozzle.
and how the steps of thinking are affected by lots of interesting variables and variant people, as we'll see in a minute.
和哪些有趣變因會影響思考深度 這部份我們等下就會看到
We'r e buying telephone units on a per-minute basis and selling at a flat rate, ' says Julian Riedlbauer, a director of German provider AddCom AG.
The work pace should be accelerated by seizing every minute and second. If there is the possibility to accomplish a task one day ahead of time,then do it.

单词 minute 释义

  • 单词释义:分(钟);一会儿;时刻;会议记录;备忘录  [更多..]



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