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单词 mindful 例句大全,用单词mindful造句:

We need to be mindful of possible overlap and duplication of functions.
Willing to think and mindful action, there is nothing we cannot achieve.
Writing at certain occasional quiet moments will be Mindful of my youth.
Mindful of that danger, I will not leave you with noting but a pep talk.
Be careful and mindful when deal with others, but do not be narrowminded.
和别人相处要细心小心, 但是不要心胸狭窄。
Be mindful when naming components and streams, so as to avoid this pitfall.
Be careful and mindful when dealing with others, but do not be narrowminded.
与别人打交道的时候要小心警觉, 单不要小心眼。
Mindful people are happier, more exuberant, more empathetic, and more secure.
My dearly beloved ones, let those who love the Lord be mindful of these things.
我亲爱的弟兄们, 让那些爱主的小心思考这些事情。
For instance, take a half hour walk everyday and be mindful of your surroundings.
To avoid this, you need to be mindful of a few minor details while doing the poses.
为此, 做这些动作时你必须牢记几个要点。
With all that variety its a great dish to practice the gentle art of mindful eating.
The United Nations and the international community must be mindful of those linkages.
Ensure proper balance between work and rest. Watch out for and be mindful of joint pain.
The chronicler was mindful to teach his readers the importance of obeying the law of Moses.
As far as alcohol is concerned, try to be mindful of what types of mixtures youll be having.
提起酒精, 一定要注意你喝的酒是由什么混合出来的。
Be mindful of your usage of electricity from appliances, lighting, computers and televisions.
注意减少您的器具, 电灯, 电脑和电视机的耗电量。
Must be mindful of the potential danger and stay prepared against adversities in times of peace
增强忧患意识, 居安思危
The lesson Be mindful of just how much time youre investing in your relationship or your career.
The Court will need to be mindful of the gap between assessments and the current collection rate.
I am mindful of the fact that we have constantly got to review our plans and never lose our will.
我们必须不断审议我们的计划, 永远不能丧失意志。
A drop of water may mirror the sun. Hence be mindful aptly, and never neglect every trivial matter.
一滴水可以见太阳, 善用其心, 不要轻视每件小事。
Mindful of the core mandate of the Organization, which is to promote decent conditions of work, and
mindful meditation is arguably the must powerful intervention for bringing about calm and equanimity.
专注冥想可以带来安宁沉静, 被认为是最有效的疗法。
Because I want to be liberated from the Saha world of the five turbidities. I am mindful of the Buddha.
为了要脱离这个五浊恶世的娑婆世界, 我修心, 念佛!

单词 mindful 释义

  • 单词释义:留心的,注意的;记住的,不忘的;警觉的;经意  [更多..]



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