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单词 migrate 例句大全,用单词migrate造句:

Fish migrate to the outfall slowly and become acclimated to the increased temperatures.
Determine the application assets that you wish to migrate over to your new environment.
To migrate service accounts, you must supply a user account with the proper permissions.
要迁移服务帐户, 您必须提供有适当权限的用户帐户。
After withdrawal of verapamil, fibroblast was able to migrate from the gingival fragment.
The gold bell son Leng Leng of, perch tread, eyes glue ashore Lincoln to migrate not to open.
This means some freshwater eels migrate great distances to reach their saltwater destinations.
As the corporate standards are released, you can plan to migrate the portal to the new standard.
当发布企业标准时, 可以计划将门户迁移到新的标准。
Flocks of snow geese migrate from arctic tundra to the central valley of California every winter.
Without legal identification, youth are forced to seek clandestine and illegal routes to migrate.
Enter the command shown in Listing 2 to migrate all the remaining instances of the original version.
Every summer more than 100 species of birds migrate from the northern hemisphere to South African shores.
You must attach a statutory declaration from each of these people giving permission for the child to migrate.
The cells seeded on the composite scaffold could migrate to the inside of the composite scaffold and grew well.
For a variety of reasons legacy code, manpower, budget, priorities some consumers may not migrate in a timely fashion.
由于各种原因, 一些使用者可能无法及时地进行迁移。
Fish covered by TURFs generally are sedentary species that do not migrate much because these fish can be allocated territorially.
The pay as you go model will not disappear, ' says Paul Barker, a Freeserve spokesman, ' but we expect most people to migrate over.'

单词 migrate 释义

  • 单词释义:迁移,移往;移动;随季节而移居  [更多..]



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