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单词 miserably 例句大全,用单词miserably造句:

Ive seen people have everything delivered to them on a silver platter and fail miserably.
The reminded of is that act, my heart is dull pain; I lose so miserably for the first time.
In many stylesheets I have seen, templates that handle this functionality can fail miserably.
They started to feel miserably jealous asas they arrived and saw the wonderful home of Psyche.
她们看到普绪喀美丽的家之后, 立刻开始异常嫉妒起她来。
When I arrived home, Peggotty met me at the door, and we cried miserably in each other s arms.
He stroked his moustache agitatedly as he slowly pulled himself together, then grumbled miserably
The moment gets in touch with then death miserably cumbersome, fall flop huge slice of of corpse.
From Xin Hai revolution arrives before liberating, starve and have miserably add without decrease.
That answer depends on whom you ask. Some of these relationships actually succeed. Others fail miserably.
那要看你问谁。这类恋情有些真的成功, 有些则悲惨地结束。
Sadly, more often than not, the player would be called up, contrive to fail miserably and the search would begin again.
遗憾的是他总是起起伏伏, 但每次跌倒还能爬起来。
Be recruited a shadow to make to annihilate in the deep well, the agreeable elephant said to still die beautiful and miserably.
When singing live, always do vocal bails do a low growl, because you know that when you go pussy high, you are going to fail it miserably.

单词 miserably 释义

  • 单词释义:痛苦地;悲惨地;糟糕地;极度地  [更多..]



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