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单词 micah 例句大全,用单词micah造句:

Micah has his own toys.
And Micah said unto him, Whence comest thou ?
米迦问他说, 你从哪里来。
It was not a liberal government that Micah founded.
And the sons of Micah were, Pithon, and Melech, and Tarea, and Ahaz.
米迦的儿子是毗敦,米勒,他利亚 和亚哈斯。
You don't hurt me, Uncle Micah, but you destroy the future of these is lands.
你伤不了我的心, 弥迦姑夫, 但是你断送了群岛的前途。
From there they went on to the hill country of Ephraim and came to Micah's house.
They are boosted by the return of Gareth Barry and Micah Richards from hamstring injuries.
No evil and sex, pure, beautiful and expensive and micah lets a person clinking endearment.
She ascended the throne, bringing with her a cast aside New England influence like Micah Hale.
她继了位, 一心想剪除弥迦黑尔之流新英格兰人的势力。

单词 micah 释义

  • 单词释义:n.希伯来的先知,弥迦书  [更多..]



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