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单词 license system 例句大全,用单词license system造句:

License Plate Recognition System Designated Parking Corp.
The system license has expired. Your logon request is denied.
The State practices license control system for the export of ephedrine.
Please call your system administrator to obtain a unique license number.
But I will let a kid with no license take over control of my vehicle system.
The system will release the license and the program will automatically close.
系统会发放许可号, 程序将自动关闭。
License on forklift, Basic ERP system knowledge in warehouse operation will be a plus.
Under the existing system, involving the retail shop for the license is more difficult.
在现有的体系下, 网店办理涉及零售的证照是比较困难的。
Fully functional hierarchical reseller licensing system to ease license distribution on the net.
Is the system asking you for seemingly irrelevant information, like your driver's license number?
系统是否有在查问你看似不相干的消息, 譬如你的驾照号码?
Application of Embedded Car License Plate Recognition System in Enterprise Entrance Guard Management
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