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单词 law office 例句大全,用单词law office造句:

Therefore, it is unpractical for a journalists association to run a law office.
There was also a common law offence of misconduct in a public office that might apply.
A law firm shall undertake liability for the debts of a branch office it has established.
The Office has prepared a draft Money Laundering Law which has been submitted for adoption.
In Burundi, a new asylum law entered into force and the country's first asylum office was created.
在布隆迪, 新的庇护法生效, 设立了该国第一个收容办事处。
Administrative reviews are carried out by the Administrative Law Unit of the Office of Human Resources Management.
Director, Public Administration Teaching and Research Office, Department of politics and Law, the Central Party School
The role of the law enforcement agencies is crucial, including the Ministry of Interior, and the General Prosecutor's Office.
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