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单词 gas firing 例句大全,用单词gas firing造句:

Probes into the Design of Tank Furnace ports Firing producer Gas
Flame Firing of Coloured Ceramic Sanitary Ware with Anthracite Cold Gas
Police responded by firing tear gas and beating back protesters with batons.
警察对游行者施以催泪弹, 并对警棒还击。
Design and application of twin channel, gas firing and light body tunnel kiln
Despite police firing tear gas, angry protesters show no intention of receding.
Police immediately responded with force, firing tear gas and water cannons to disperse crowds.
警方立即付诸武力, 他们用催泪瓦斯和高压水炮驱散人群。
This article studied firing process on gas forming properties and tensile strength of ceramic mold.
Techniques for abating the residual rotation of exit gas from the furnace with tangential corner firing
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