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单词 estimate at 例句大全,用单词estimate at造句:

One estimate puts the cost in terms of sickness absence alone at over $700 million a year.
Experts estimate that surgical complications result in at least one million deaths a year.
The builder said that at a rough estimate the job would take about a fortnight to complete.
However, it is advisable to estimate productivity at approximately twice the current metric.
但是, 明智的做法是以现有度量的两倍作为生产力的估计。
Use the instanton solution for the double well potential to estimate the correlation length at.
It is able to estimate the fractional part and integral part of frequency offset at the same time.
The researchers estimate that it will be at least five years before the STAIR cell is commercially available.
研究人员估计, 这将是至少五年后可达商用水平。
Estimate of Radiated Energy of Small to Moderate Earthquakes Using a Single Station Data at Local to Regional Distances
Not incidentally, we estimate the net potential new revenue generated by the effort to be at least 200, 000 greater than expenses.
此外, 我们估计新产生的收益至少要比成本多出20万美元。
Older puppeteers estimate that there were at least a hundred shadow puppet troupes in southern Taiwan in the closing years of the Qing.
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单词 estimate at 释义

  • 单词释义:估计, 猜测…为  [更多..]



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